Feeling down

Wayne posted @ Wed, 26 Jan 2011 05:16:27 +0000 in Emotion , 2814 readers

I want to do something, to finish my left two projects or just to do something fun, but I can not...  It seems so tired, that I have no energy, no power to do any thinking, even I am not able to do any reading...

Tomorrow is Wednesday. Oh no, Wednesday is today now. I must complete two projects this week. A WebSite built in python with django, and a launcher of a mod of Rome TotalWar. Neither of  them is easy to deal with. I am new to python, and new to C#. I want to try my best, but it seems I will fail, definitely... And I am upset.

Twitter, xiami, clanlong forum, linuxsir, and other Tech websites... I am still trying to avoid the real difficult part, by nonsensical net surfing. That is the way how I fail, just as usual. So many years and so many times, even I know that clearly, still I fail in that way.


I am still watching other's life, I am still waiting for death. My own story is still void and null...

WTF am I doing?!!!!

God said:
Wed, 26 Jan 2011 18:20:53 +0000

You'r doing the right thing.

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Sat, 25 Dec 2021 10:16:01 +0000

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