February | ||||||
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不能老是这么分心下去了,必须要集中注意力啊。或者我该试试把浏览器从最顺手的位置上移开?把它埋在一层又一层的目录里,让我十分不情愿去挖出来?可是第一我确实离不开浏览器;第二没了浏览器还有别的会吸走注意力。或者是IM,或者是E-Mail,甚至于Update SVN……
" SQL au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sql call s:SQL() func! s:SQL() if exists("g:filetype_sql") exe "setf " . g:filetype_sql else setf sql endif endfunc
" Various types of comments. if exists("c_comment_strings") syntax match plsqlCommentSkip contained "^\s*\*\($\|\s\+\)" syntax region plsqlCommentString contained start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end=+\*/+me=s-1 contains=plsqlCommentSkip syntax region plsqlComment2String contained start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end="$" syntax region plsqlCommentL start="--" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlComment2String,plsqlCharLiteral,plsqlBooleanLiteral,plsqlNumbersCom,plsqlSpaceError syntax region plsqlComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlComment2String,plsqlCharLiteral,plsqlBooleanLiteral,plsqlNumbersCom,plsqlSpaceError else syntax region plsqlCommentL start="--" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlSpaceError syntax region plsqlComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlSpaceError endif syn sync ccomment plsqlComment syn sync ccomment plsqlCommentL
syntax region plsqlCommentLP start="PROMPT" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@plsqlCommentGroup,plsqlSpaceError syn sync ccoment plsqlCommentLP
HiLink plsqlCommentLP Operator
syn match plsqlStringLiteral "'\([^']\|''\)*'"
syn region plsqlStringLiteral start="'" end="'"
CREATE FUNCTION insert_new( new_val IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN INSERT INTO testtable(col) VALUES( new_val); return 1; END insert_new;
SELECT insert_new(1) FROM DUAL;
带着我的疑问,去找同事询问。他表示,可以执行啊。然后边说边打开了一个PLSQL DEVELOPER的Test Window,输入几个参数,然后点击执行,居然果真成功执行了。
仔细观察了两个结果,最后终于发现了不同点。Test Window所用的是一个PLSQL Block,用了赋值语句来接收函数值。我仔细查了查书,发现书上原来写的也很清楚,长期以来我所坚信的那些限制都只是“在SQL中调用自定义函数”的限制,在PLSQL Block中并不适用。
CREATE TABLE tb( a number, b number, c number);
CREATE INDEX idx ON tb(a,b,c);
这个要说我不知道什么是事务那真叫冤枉。但让我写,我却想不起来怎么个写法。最后只能走曲线,表示一次rollback/commit/rollback to savepoint到一次rollback/commit/rollback to savepoint 之间的那部分就是一个事务。事后查了下,原来这题的得分点在ACID上…… 原子性,一致性,隔离性,持久性。
Both awesome and freetalk are installed. Now I shall get into the configruation and craft my main desktop.
でも、how about the Oracle Database? I have only two computers with 4 disks in total. One is Windows 7, the other is Gentoo, and I will not reinstall either of them. But the Oracle in Gentoo has too much problems. Even I can not find an useful document. And the dataguard, RAC... need multiple instances, multiple servers. So the best solution I think is trying VMWare again. Last time I used it finished my network experiment, now it is time for the database. I need at least two servers, both have CentOS runs on. The CentOS has released a new version recently, and this must be the one I shall download.
No time for waiting any more, download it right now. I want to install it at the time I am awake.
Damn it! Who told me CentOS 6 had released?!
Job Requirements
1. 2+ years database related experience.
2. Proficient at SQL programming and tuning, and store procedures
3. Experienced on Oracle database administration.
4. Experienced on database design and architecture
5. Familiar with Java/.Net.
6. Excellent at communication skills and teamwork
7. Capable of English writing and speaking
8. Excellent at analytical and system thinking
9. Bachelor degree or above
6 and 8 are hard to measure. So the key is 2, 3, 4. I should get to know SQL tuning, or else I can not call myself as "Proficient at". I will get down to practise the database administration sooner, and it will not take too much time I think. But the database design and architecture... it is somehow hard to measure too. Maybe I shall read some books about database design... and that might be enough...
To SQL Programming, I should try to follow the "best practice", get to familliar with all kinds of usage. Oracle SQL tuning must depend on the interpretation of execute-plan. I need to know how it works and how to change it.
这两天一直在折腾。现在还在emerge kde-meta。这次基本是死磕状态,各种问题遇到一个解决一个,不留隐患。
要让mplayer能在framebuffer中运行,那么首先需要打开framebuffer。不知道该不该用“打开”这个词,反正就那个意思了。即便不准备在framebuffer中跑mplayer,只要没装X之类的东西,framebuffer也是很有必要开启的,因为原生的字体太大了,很多目录单纯ls一下都能超过屏幕边界,不得不再在后面加上 | less,可是这样一来颜色又没了。
打开framebuffer的话,主要就是编译内核,使之支持framebuffer。这部分昨天做的时候走了不少歪路,但最终发现还是应当按着Gentoo Wiki 上的相关说明 来做是最好的。
一开始是在内核中开启 “Support for frame buffer devices”,并启用下面的 firmware EDID
Device Drivers -> Graphics support ---> -*- Support for frame buffer devices ---> [*] Enable firmware EDID ... *** Frame buffer hardware drivers *** |
然后选择要开的framebuffer的类型。“类型”这个词可能也不准确,应该说不同的驱动吧。昨天走的歪路就在这里。因为我顺手点进了KMS下的设置,而上面说,应当禁用掉Frame buffer hardware drivers中所列的所有驱动,不然会有冲突。事实上我用的是nvidia的闭源驱动,根本不关KMS的事。
Terminate Intentionally Infinite Loop In Oracle
To terminate an intentionally infinite loop in Oracle, we can use DBMS_PIPE.
First, create a pipe.
Then, insert message handling into loop block.
if DBMS_PIPE.receive_message(pipename,0) = 0 then
Exit when pipebuf = 'stop';
end if;
When needed, send a message which content is "stop" to the pipe.
So the whole example is:
DECLARE pipename CONSTANT VARCHAR2(12) := 'signaler'; result INTEGER; pipebuf VARCHAR2(64); BEGIN result := DBMS_PIPE.create_pipe(pipename); LOOP xxxxx DBMS_LOCK.sleep(10); IF DBMS_PIPE.receive_message(pipename,0) = 0 THEN DBMS_PIPE.unpack_message(pipebuf); EXIT WHEN pipebuf = 'stop'; END IF; END LOOP; END; DECLARE pipename VARCHAR2(12) := 'signaler'; result INTEGER := DBMS_PIPE.create_pipe(pipename); BEGIN DBMS_PIPE.pack_message('stop'); END;
PL/SQL Scope and Visibility
Scope is the region of a program unit in which a variable can be referenced, without qualified identifiers.
Visibility: without qualified identifiers a variable is visible in its scope. With qualified identifiers it is visible everywhere.
People are creatures of habit
Extract from "Oracle PLSQL Programming" of Oreilly.
We all tend to fall into ruts, in almost every aspect of our lives. People are creatures of habit: you learn to write code in one way; you assume certain limitations about a product; you turn aside possible solutions without serious examination because you just know it cannot be done. Developers become downright prejudiced about their own programs, and often not in positive ways. They are often overheard saying things like:
"It can't run any faster than that; it's a pig."
"I can't make it work the way the user wants; that'll have to wait for the next version."
"If I were using X or Y or Z product, it would be a breeze. But with this stuff, everything is a struggle."
But the reality is that your program can almost always run a little faster. And the screen can, in fact, function just the way the user wants it to. And although each product has its limitations, strength, and weaknesses, you should never have to wait for the next version. Isn't it so much more satisfying to be able to tell your therapist that you tackled the problem head-on, accepted no excuses, and crafted a solution?
How do you do this? Break out of the confines of your hardened views and take a fresh look at the world ( or maybe just your cubicle ). Reassess the programming habits you've developed. Be creative-step away from the traditional methods, from the often limited and mechanical approaches constantly reinforced in our places of business.
Try something new: experiment with what may seem to be a radical departure from the norm. You will be surprised at how much you will learn and grow as a programmer and problem solver. Over the years, I have surprised myself over and over with what is really achievable when I stopped saying "You can't do that!" and instead simply nodded quietly and murmured, "Now, if I do it this way...."
Preparation for next Job
I've already resign at 1st. April, and it will take 1 month to finish my last work. Meanwhile, I shall prepare for my next job. Here I have two choices: 1) Go along with my path, find a job about Java programming or Oracle Database; 2) Do something new and fun, as embed development, System Integration, System Security... After a discussion with classmates, I choose choice 1, which has less risks and is more reality. If I choose choice 2, I am afraid I am not able to find an employer to hire me.
Yesterday I searched a hiring list on net, it seemed development on mobile-phone was popular in these days. To me, this means Android. My current company also has a department working with it, and even more, iOS included. I am experienced in SMS and MMS, maybe I can take advantage from this. One of my former co-woker told me Android development did not have too much tech content, that maybe I would disappointed with. But is it also means I can easily move to this field?
I have two target companies. One is hiring Java Software Developemt and Oralce DataBase Development, the other I did not find any mentions. Both Java Development and Oracle Database Development suit me, but to be competitive, I shall learn more on either field.
According to the requirements listed in the hiring page, to be a Java developer, I shall familiar with:
2.Popular frameworks and something others as: Spring, log4j, iBatis, JMS, JBoss...
3.Something about design pattern.
to be an Oracle DataBase developer, I shall have a strong skill in PL/SQL, and something about database tuning.
So, what I should do is clear. I do have a plan. But every time my plan did not work through. I think maybe it is because I am always trying to learn too many things at one time. How about this time? Java, Java servlet, Spring, JMS, iBatis, PL/SQL, database tuning, Android, and even C... and I should spend much time in algorithm and data structure too... I am afraid I do not have so much time. Chance will pass when I am still not prepared.
However, do it right now is better than worrying about uncertain future. Reading TIJ4 is the first priority now. After that is Java servlet and Spring framework, then design pattern. PL/SQL will come with Spring.
Self Discipline
Speed up
No more time wasting. Tomorrow is March again.
1.I shall read at least one chapter of "Thinking in Java".
2.I shall buy the button cell battery as quickly as I can. Then deal with the Gentoo. And Oracle. These should not be delayed any longer!!
虽然说打算在服务器上用版本控制来管理部署的程序了,但一时终归还没用起来。而按照惯例,上传新版时旧版是不删的,仅仅改个名字存放起来而已。改名字时也没啥严格规定,一直以来有点乱。当然也许别人重命名还是比较规矩的,但反正我是很随心所欲的,搞得经常自己也记不清楚,只能靠修改时间来辨认。上次写了个脚本,把给名字自动加上时间后缀作为备份命令,倒也还管用。这次想再改进一下,上点参数,能整成 "*.latest", "*.current", "*.last" 之类的效果。
#!/bin/bash case "$1" in "") echo "Usage: bak [option] filename" echo "bak: rename a file as a backup" echo "Try \"bak -h\" for help" exit ;; *) rename=0 option=0 while getopts "hrlc" flag do option=1 case "$flag" in "h") helplist=1;; "r") let "rename += 1";; "l") last=1;; "c") current=1;; esac done if [ "$option" -ne 1 ] then filename=$1 newfilename=$filename.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M` mv -f $filename $newfilename echo $newfilename exit fi ;; esac if [ "$helplist" = 1 ]; then echo "bak: rename a file as a backup" echo "Usage: bak [option] filename" echo "default(no option): rename filename to filename.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`" echo "Options:" echo " -l: rename filename to filename.last" echo " -c: rename filename to filename.current" echo " -r: cut the end of filename from the last dot, example:" echo " filename.last --> filename" echo "multiple r will try to cut multiple part split by dot from the end, as:" echo " -rrr filename.section1.secion2.section3 --> filename" exit fi case "$2" in "") echo "Usage: bak [option] filename" echo "bak: rename a file as a backup" echo "Try \"bak -h\" for help" ;; *) filename=$2 newfilename=$filename if [ "$rename" -ne 0 ]; then for i in `seq 1 $rename` do newfilename=${newfilename%.*} done fi if [ "$last" = 1 ]; then newfilename=$newfilename.last elif [ "$current" = 1 ];then newfilename=$newfilename.current else newfilename=$newfilename.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M` fi mv $filename $newfilename echo $newfilename ;; esac
今天做了Initial Test,12个。不过倒没有到筋疲力竭的程度,感觉做个15个还是可以的。不过一样,11-20都归在同一份方案里。
下周一开始Week1 Day1. 我的锻炼日志将记录在http://www.pushupslogger.com/plog/overview?new_exhaustion_test_id=131886