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Steam模块需要再写。 Preference Editor这块需要给OpenFileDialogue怎么打开文件安排一下。然后是各处的File.Copy,File.Delete操作加上try{}catch{} block,因为不曾验证过文件存在性。Bloom模块需要review一下,因为没搞明白启动方式。
功能测试通过后,回过头来处理界面透明以及窗口移动的问题。 还有就是将两个自定义控件的dll给弄到exe程序本体里面去,尽可能不要多出文件来。
To do list of near future
1.1.Read Thinking in Java. I do not know it will take how much time, but it must be done.
1.2.After finished reading Thinking in Java, study Java Servlet.
1.3.Read the source code of Spring, ibatis and mina.
2.1. Study C again, using K&R.
3.1.Compile the kernel of Gentoo and make the system to be usable.
3.2.Install Oracle in Gentoo. Install and uninstall it many times until get familiar with this.
3.3.Learn and test, with the book of Expert one on one.
3.4.Implement my achievements to producting environment.
4.1.Finish the launcher of RSII as soon as possible.
4.2. An system of automatically generating daily report and weekly report.
4.3. Read through the code of CallCenter, have a main idea of writing documents in detail.
4.4. The new system of SMS.
4.5. TDD and Design pattern.
4.6. Think more.
5. Physics
5.1. Restart the daily practice of press-up.
10 ways to show you're a programming rockstar
It seems nowadays that programmers are a dime a dozen, but how do you pick the best programmers from the rest of the crowd.
It's not just about coding (although that is a big factor). It's about building your skill set over the years and nurturing them so you can stand out from the programming "collective."
What characteristics makes them stand out? Are they easy to get along with? How long have they been programming? Are they teaching you things you never knew were possible? Here's how to find out if you are a programming rock stars!
Master your language and tools. Whether it's Visual Studio, Eclipse, or even Aptana, your programming tools should be second nature to you when developing that next web application. Just like a plumber or carpenter, if you don't have the proper tools, you won't get the job done right.
Enhance your tools and environment. With that said, even though you've mastered your tools, always strive to find ways to enhance your environment. This may include plug-ins to Visual Studio or Eclipse or a code generation tool that works along side your environment. If you're not looking for better ways to enhance your productivity, you may be working yourself into an early grave.
Research new technologies. While your primary language may do everything you need, make time to research your craft and experiment with new frameworks that wrap around your existing technologies. For example, while programming in web forms with C#, I heard about a new framework from Microsoft called MVC. Since I've started working with MVC, I've been programming in MVC for more than 2 years now and I haven't looked back or regretted my decision since.
Leverage your existing code you wrote. Programmers who write code and then immediately disregard it are missing out on the most exceptional tip on this list: start building your library of routines and techniques. If you are in a corporate environment, yes, you will have a corporate library to pull from for your projects. If you are an individual programmer, yes, you will have your own collection of routines or libraries that you can use in your "outside" projects. As the object-oriented saying goes, the routines are reusable.
Automate like crazy. If you've been around the programming block for a while, you know that there are always quicker ways to accomplish certain tasks. It's now getting to the point in this industry where if someone asks you for a web site, you can build one relatively quick. Then they start asking for features. It's the features part that makes the difference and slows you down.
Perform proper analysis. New developers always shoot first (start coding) and ask questions later. Take the time to analyze the project and ask as many questions as you can. The more questions you ask upfront, the better your ability to complete a more thorough and clear design of your application.
Perform Unit Testing. Along with preceding your coding with proper analysis, always finish your coding by performing unit tests. This not only tests the quality of your code but will also let you know when your system fails on regression testing. Unit Testing should be the "checks and balances" of your programming.
Extend your reach. Most developers keep to their code and that's all they do. Break out of your comfort zone and read up on usability studies, how to document your code better, and/or using better design techniques. Expanding your skills into other areas will do three things: 1. Make you more visible to other people; 2. Make you more valuable to others because of your thirst for knowledge; and 3. Provide you with more opportunities than just programming.
Communicate effectively. This is in regards to project management, coding, documentation, and impromptu meetings. If you can't explain an extremely awesome cool coding technique to your peers or communicate why a particular feature shouldn't be in the project to a project manager because of a time constraint, you may need to work on your verbal skills instead of your coding skills.
- Make time to assist others. You will seem as a definite team player by taking the time to help a fellow programmer in need. Help them understand a new concept or technique that is unclear to them and they will be grateful for the help and see you as a definite resource and go to guy.
As you can see, there are a lot of factors to take into account when deciding who is a programming rock star and how they will be perceived by other team members or by clients.
Come to think of it, you could even use some of these factors for general interview questions.
Discussion and reconsideration
Had a discussion with a classmate of University. I shall admit, it is a great help to make me get out of the confusion about the career in future.
Something needs to do and some thinking
Feeling down
I want to do something, to finish my left two projects or just to do something fun, but I can not... It seems so tired, that I have no energy, no power to do any thinking, even I am not able to do any reading...
Tomorrow is Wednesday. Oh no, Wednesday is today now. I must complete two projects this week. A WebSite built in python with django, and a launcher of a mod of Rome TotalWar. Neither of them is easy to deal with. I am new to python, and new to C#. I want to try my best, but it seems I will fail, definitely... And I am upset.
Twitter, xiami, clanlong forum, linuxsir, and other Tech websites... I am still trying to avoid the real difficult part, by nonsensical net surfing. That is the way how I fail, just as usual. So many years and so many times, even I know that clearly, still I fail in that way.
I am still watching other's life, I am still waiting for death. My own story is still void and null...
WTF am I doing?!!!!
"Looking for members, Upper Blackrock Spire need."
--"Hey! Need a Rogue?"
--"Of cource you don't. Who needs a rogue? The most nerfed class in this game..."
"Wait wait wait. You say rogue is the most nerfed class in this game?"
Above is the beginning of World of RogueCraft: Episode I, the third video of this series produced by Mute. Mute is a famouse warlock but showed excellent rogue skill in this video, in order to prove what imbalance is. Unfortunately, the imba still exists in the game of World of Warcraft, even those bullshit designers give up to make improvements.
One of the background music in this video is Gun N' Rose' s Welcome to the jungle, impressed me much.
These days, there are always lines sounding around me. Games, videos, movies... all kinds of. Sometimes run out of my mind, and I recite them.
"Today, we are not only here to defend the mighty capital of ironforge; we are not only here to show the world what the alliance is made of. Today, we are here, to claime the revenge for the ones that had fallen. And I tell you, do not fear death, for your names shall live in eternality! So I ask you, Will You, Follow Me, Into the Legend?! Then Follow Me!
-- the speech before the final war, by the Alliance leader, Drawf genernal Serphentos, Tales of the Past II
"Did you think an agent of the Lichking would be bested in the field of your pathetic little tournament? I've come to finish my task."
--Black knight, Tournament of Crusade Trial.
Something bothered me around. I have lost interests to continue this text...
我真心希望“现在就开始,永远不会晚”这样的说法能够应验。忆往昔,不堪回首。所以就不忆了 吧。忘记过去意味着背叛,那叛就叛了,还是砍断了的好,省得心神不宁的。也不要再等待明天了,等啊等,等死而已。从现在开始,从现在开始,想到什么就去做吧,不要犹豫了。成功或者失败,有那么重要吗。要的只是一个中间的过程罢了,反正不论做什么最后的结果都是一样的。
1.主要方向:Oracle DBA。 之所以是这个,一方面是听说钱多,一方面是因为目前跟这个关系最紧密。不过老实说,这事情责任过于重大,一着不慎就会闯下大祸。而且是个要“时刻准备着”的岗位,会严重影响生活质量。在技术观点上,也跟我的理念所冲突。我崇尚完全控制,自主开发,而不是被一个商业公司牵着鼻子走。公司如果是Google也就罢了,偏偏还是名声不咋的Oracle……
3.Java。 虽然并不喜欢Java,但是现在必须的,必须要掌握与精通这个。恐怕还会是安身立命的根本……
4.操作系统。 这个是兴趣的所在,却不知道从何开始。一直都只是个User而已,偶尔算个不称职的Administrator。将一堆机器变成思想的载体,逻辑电路之上,当属操作系统为根本了。这就是当年选择进入这个专业领域的初衷啊啊啊啊啊。
5. Web前端。 恐怕也会是安身立命的根本……虽然并不喜欢,甚至厌恶编写网页。但是长期的Chrome使用,越来越漂亮与强大的各种Web程序,似乎是整个行业发展的一个方向?
开始使用git。对着在线文档读了几天,一边还试着用。今天要提交一份有.svn文件的工程到git里面,想把.svn给无视掉。我是用命令行方式操作的,一开始很自然地想到 是否可以在 git add XXX 后面跟个什么选项什么的把.svn给exclude掉,或者是否可以用正则 ,比如 src/*!(.svn/*) 这样的。结果发现正则是不行的,不论我用哪种shell的正则方式。查了下 git add的命令手册,也没发现有exclude的选项……于是接着搜索,看到相关讨论还不少,stackoverflow上面的确有点不错的料。仔细看了会大致上了解了,得到.git/info/exclude里面去写,或者在.gitignore里面写,或者在core.excludefile里面写。 那么写就写吧,于是切进exclude文件,直接加进了“*/.svn/*”,然后先git rm -r --cached src/ 然后git add src/, 然后git status
select nvl(replyexpected,'1') from USR_DFW_SCHE where SendDay=trunc(sysdate)
select nvl(replyexpected,'1') from USR_DFW_SCHE where SendDay=trunc(sysdate+1)
select decode(replyexpectd,NULL,'1',replyexpected) from USR_DFW_SCHE where SendDay=trunc(sysdate+1)
將語句分解,在當天記錄存在的情況下,select '1' from USR_DFW_SCHE where SendDay=trunc(sysdate) 返回 ‘1’,而 select '1' from USR_DFW_SCHE where SendDay=trunc(sysdate+1) 這樣連滿足條件的記錄都沒有的查詢,則不返回任何結果。
select A from TB_C where cond=D;
if (A is null) then
select B into result from TB_C where cond=D;
return B;
end if;
由头还是数据导出的问题。前几天我打算导出163的邮件到Gmail时就发现了,曾经可以导出的,现在被163给屏蔽了。但是Gmail依然可以导出到163。这次跟Facebook的争端也一样。Google要求Facebook允许用户导出好友列表而Facebook不愿意。但是Google并没有因此而如何反制,依然故我的坚持着。“As passionate believers that people should be able to control the data they create, we will continue to allow our users to export their Google contacts”。
服务器未能识别 HTTP 标头 SOAPAction 的值
Beyond the Great Fire Wall, we can reach every corner in the world.
是时候Thinking in Java了
去年初学Java时看这本书,看得吐血…… 完全不知道在说些什么。现在一年过去了,对Java多少也不再那么陌生了,能写代码,能改代码,还能应用框架,只是总觉得自己基础不扎实。是时候研读下这本书了吧。顺带着还需要看看GOF的那本设计模式。
订阅了 The Code Project 和 InfoQ 的电子杂志,于是邮箱里基本上每天都能收到几份. 浏览了一下,基本上每份都有一些吸引人点击下去的标题.可是每次读完文章内容后差不多都会大呼上当.完全就是标题党. 以为有些什么真知灼见,结果都是些废话.
"iPad as the new Flash",下面还有一行小字:"Never have so many embraced a great product for exactly the wrong reasons". 我以为这篇文章会说些iPad在技术上的不足之处,没想到全文都是在说些付费啊对传统出版业的冲击啊之类的东西.让人一阵阵的恶心.
"Desktop Linux: The Dream is Dead", 我以为它能说些什么不一样的东西,结果全是现状的罗列,主要观点无非是说在Vista,这个Windows近期最弱的时候Linux都不曾跃起,现状Win7已出,Linux再无机会了.然而这个观点却一直不进行论证.文章最后还提到了移动平台,提到了Android,大意是这个将会是Linux在大众应用上的方向.我所感到恼火的是,这个标题让我以为这会是一篇议论文,完了是篇说明文...
"Programming is for Stupid People",这篇文章是标准的标题党!一看题目,我很自然地产生疑惑,难道不编程才算聪明人?于是点过去看文章,结果完全不是这么回事.它只是在说OO比所谓的"Functional"语言更简单,需要记忆的东西更少,更适合不聪明的人用.完全是篇正确无比的废话.毫无营养.题目里的Programming其实是亲自编码的意思,说的是自己亲手写的东西比Library更容易记住.我就毛了,尽会取些耸人听闻的名字!
很久很久以前,有一群人,他们决定用8个可以开合的晶体管来组合成不同的状态,以表示世界上的万物。他们看到8个开关状态是好的,于是他们把这称为"字节"。 再后来,他们又做了一些可以处理这些字节的机器,机器开动了,可以用字节来组合出很多状态,状态开始变来变去。他们看到这样是好的,于是它们就这机器称为"计算机"。 开始计算机只在美国用。八位的字节一共可以组合出256(2的8次方)种不同的状态。 他们把其中的编号从0开始的32种状态分别规定了特殊的用途,一但终端、打印机遇上约定好的这些字节被传过来时,就要做一些约定的动作。遇上00x10, 终端就换行,遇上0x07, 终端就向人们嘟嘟叫,例好遇上0x1b, 打印机就打印反白的字,或者终端就用彩色显示字母。他们看到这样很好,于是就把这些0x20以下的字节状态称为"控制码"。